Italian Night Concert with Mike Guggino and Barrett Smith
Brevard College and Mountain Song Productions present
Italian Night Concert with Mike Guggino and Barrett Smith
Featuring special guest Lauren Mascitti
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Brevard College and Mountain Song Productions present
Italian Night Concert with Mike Guggino and Barrett Smith
Featuring special guest Lauren Mascitti
Details coming soon!
On Saturday, June 4th, acoustic guitars will be abundance in Brevard as iconic guitarist and multi-award winning Bryan Sutton hosts the first annual North Carolina Guitar Celebration at Brevard Music Center’s Whittington-Pfohl Auditorium.
A Fundraiser for Junior Appalachian Musicians of Transylvania County
Featuring Carlo Aonzo, Mike Guggino, Barrett Smith
13th Annual Mountain Song Festival, Brevard NC
BMC Presents: Bela Fleck's Blue Ridge Banjo Concert
Béla Fleck presents the inaugural Blue Ridge Banjo Camp to be held at the Brevard Music Center in Brevard, NC on August 15-19, 2018.
Mountain Song Productions is proud to announce the 2nd Annual Songsmith Gathering held on the beautiful campus of Brevard Music Center in Brevard NC benefitting the Cindy Platt Boys & Girls Club of Transylvania.
Mountain Song Productions is proud to announce The 1st Annual Songsmith Gathering held on the beautiful campus of Brevard Music Center in Brevard NC.
Expect an evening of nonstop laughs on Sunday, February 25th when Steve Martin and Martin Short bring “An Evening You Will Forget For The Rest Of Your Life” to The North Charleston Performing Arts Center. Martin and Short will be joined by the Grammy® Award winning bluegrass band The Steep Canyon Rangers and renowned jazz pianist and Jimmy Kimmel Live band member Jeff Babko. Tickets go on-sale Friday, October 27th at 10am EST through all channels; there will also be a special pre-sale starting Wednesday, October 25th at the North Charleston Coliseum & Performing Arts Center Ticket Office. The performance is co-presented by Cat’s Cradle Presents (Carrboro, NC) and Mountain Song Productions (Brevard, NC).
Join us on Saturday night after Mountain Song Festival for Late Night at the DFR Room, located about 1 mile from Brevard Music Center, in downtown Brevard, NC.
Join us on Friday and Saturday night after Mountain Song Festival for Late Night at the DFR Room, located about 1 mile from Brevard Music Center, in downtown Brevard, NC.
Mountain Song Festival was created to bring the best in acoustic music including bluegrass, newgrass, old time, folk, jazz and traditional mountain music, as well as the many branches that stem from it, to our community and to further encourage music in our everyday lives.
Lyle Lovett and His Large Band is Lyle Lovett's third album, released in 1989.
Lovett's gender-bending cover of Tammy Wynette's "Stand By Your Man" was later included in the soundtrack of the 1993 movie The Crying Game.
Lyle Lovett and His Large Band reached number 10 on Billboard's chart for Top Country Albums, and 62 in the Billboard Hot 200.
At the Grammy Awards of 1990, Lovett won the Grammy Award for Best Male Country Vocal Performance for Lyle Lovett and His Large Band.